According to our database, 1678 routers use the IP address as their default gateway address. This means that if you need to access your router's configuration settings, you can do so by entering this IP address in a web browser on a device that is connected to the same network as the router. From there, you can configure various settings such as network security and wireless network settings.

LB000010 Sweex
LB000020 Sweex
LB000021 Sweex
LC000070 Sweex
LW050 Sweex
LW055 Sweex
LW150 Sweex
MO200UK Sweex
MO251 Sweex
RO001 Sweex
RO002 Sweex
RO003 Sweex
Wireless Annex A Sweex
Wireless Annex B Sweex
ALTERA-04 Tactio
Altera-04G Tactio
TM-ART25GSU Techmade
5100DSL Telkom
ADSL 5102G Telkom
Mega 100WR Telkom
Mega 105WR Telkom
Mega 200VWR Telkom
MPC850 Telkom
GB-445A Trust
MD-4050 Trust
Speedshare Turbo Pro Trust
200ES-RADSL VisionNet
M404 VisionNet
M504 VisionNet
M505N VisionNet
WT-3525 Wayjet
PT3812 Web Excel
5551 ADSL Zoom
5554 ADSL Zoom
5560 Zoom
5560 ADSL Zoom
5654 Zoom
5660 Zoom
Adsl X6 5590 Zoom
X4 5551 Zoom
X5 Zoom
X5 5654A Zoom
X5 5654B Zoom
X6 Zoom
X6 5990 Zoom
Keenetic III ZyXEL
Keenetic Lite II ZyXEL
Keenetic Omni II ZyXEL