According to our database, 3940 routers use the IP address as their default gateway address. This means that if you need to access your router's configuration settings, you can do so by entering this IP address in a web browser on a device that is connected to the same network as the router. From there, you can configure various settings such as network security and wireless network settings.

AH4021 Alice
IAD-5130 Alice
AH4021 Alice Box
AT-iMG624A Allied-Telesis
AT-iMG624A-R2 Allied-Telesyn
ASL-26555 Alpha
9010 Ansel
DR814 Aolynk
DR814Q Aolynk
ARV7519 Arcadyan
ARV7519RW22-A-LT Arcadyan
Fiber Box Arcadyan
G3100 Arcadyan
LH1000 Arcadyan
NH20A Arcadyan
PRV3399B Arcadyan
VGV7518 Arcadyan
VGV7519 Arcadyan
VRV7006AW22-A-GR Vivo Arcadyan
VRV9510KWAC23 Arcadyan
VRV9517 Arcadyan
TG3492LG-YL Arris
TG4482A Arris
TG852 Arris
TG852G Arris
TG852GCT Xfinity Arris
TG862 Arris
TG862A Arris
TG862G Arris
TG862G-CT Arris
TG862G-NA Arris
TG862GCT Xfinity Arris
TG862S Arris
TM1602 Arris
TM501b Arris
TM502b Arris
VMDG505 Arris
WTM552 Arris
WTM552G Arris
WTM652 Arris
WTM652G Arris
ACN-411RE Articonet
rta-230 Artnet
TW263R4 Artnet
HGU RFT3505VW Movistar Askey
RAC2V1K Askey
RTA9227W Askey
RTF3507VW-N1 Askey
RTF8115VW Askey
RTV1907VW Askey