According to our database, 1428 routers use the IP address as their default gateway address. This means that if you need to access your router's configuration settings, you can do so by entering this IP address in a web browser on a device that is connected to the same network as the router. From there, you can configure various settings such as network security and wireless network settings.

WL520GU Asus
WL550gE Asus
WL600g Asus
WL700gE Asus
WMVN25E2+ Asus
ZenWiFi AX Mini (XD4) Asus
AWGR54 Ativa
RTL8139 Ativa
MP-264 AudioCodes
MP-264DB AudioCodes
DSL600E Aztech
DSL600ER Aztech
DSL600EU Aztech
DSL600EW Aztech
DSL605EU Aztech
DSL605EW Aztech
DSL7000GR Aztech
DSL7000GRV Aztech
DSL7000GRV-S Aztech
DSL906EU Aztech
FG7003GRV-AC Aztech
HW550-3G Aztech
HW5503G Aztech
NA83002 Aztech
WL230USB Aztech
WL830RT4 Aztech
F5D5230-4 Belkin
F5D5231-4 Belkin
F5D5630au4 Belkin
F5D5730au Belkin
F5D6230-3 Belkin
F5D6231-4 Belkin
F5D7010 Belkin
F5D7130UK Belkin
F5D7230-4 Belkin
F5D7231-4 Belkin
F5D7231-4P Belkin
F5D7234-4 Belkin
F5D7630 Belkin
F5D7630-4 Belkin
F5D7632-4 Belkin
F5D7632ef4a Belkin
F5D7633-4 Belkin
F5D7633-4A Belkin
F5D7633au4A Belkin
F5D7634-4 Belkin
F5D8230-4 Belkin
F5D8231-4 Belkin
F5D8232-4 Belkin
F5D8233-4 Belkin