According to our database, 1077 routers use the IP address as their default gateway address. This means that if you need to access your router's configuration settings, you can do so by entering this IP address in a web browser on a device that is connected to the same network as the router. From there, you can configure various settings such as network security and wireless network settings.

DG860P2 Arris
DG9450 Arris
DG950 Arris
MG5225GNA Arris
600EW Aztech
DSL1000EW-L Aztech
DSL1015EN-L Aztech
DSL1100R Aztech
DSL305EU Aztech
DSL308EW Aztech
DSL3100R Aztech
CellPipe 7130 Bell
Connection Hub Bell
Home Hub 1000 Bell
Home Hub 2000 Bell
Speedstream 6300 Bell
AX3 Huawei
B190 3WebCube Huawei
B2268H Huawei
B2268S PLDT Huawei
B2338-168 Huawei
B2368-66 Huawei
B3000 Huawei
B310As-852 Huawei
B310s-22 Orange Flybox Huawei
B310s-580 Huawei
B310s-925 Huawei
B310s-927 Huawei
B310s-927 Bolt Huawei
B310s-927 InfiNet Huawei
B311s-220 Huawei
B315s-22 Huawei
B315s-22 DNA Huawei
B315s-22 Zain Huawei
B315s-22 Zain v2 Huawei
B315s-936 Huawei
HG8245 Huawei
HG8245A Huawei
HG8245D Huawei
HG8245Q Huawei
HG8245Q STC Huawei
HG8245Q2 Huawei
HG8245T Huawei
HG8247 Huawei
HG8247H Huawei
HG8247H5 Huawei
HG8247Hv2 Huawei
HG8346M Huawei
HG850a Huawei
HG8546M Huawei