According to our database, 3237 routers use the IP address as their default gateway address. This means that if you need to access your router's configuration settings, you can do so by entering this IP address in a web browser on a device that is connected to the same network as the router. From there, you can configure various settings such as network security and wireless network settings.

DPC2325 Cisco
DPC3825 Cisco
DPC3828D Cisco
DPC3828S Cisco
DPC3848 Cisco
DPC3848V Cisco
DPC3848VM Cisco
DPC3914B Cisco
DPC3925 Cisco
DPC3941B Cisco
DPC3941T Cisco
DPQ3925 Cisco
EA2700 Cisco
ECP3940ADL Cisco
EPC2425 Cisco
EPC3825 Cisco
EPC3828D Cisco
EPC3925 Cisco
EPC3928AD Cisco
EPC3928S Cisco
EPC3940AD Cisco
M10 Cisco
M20 Cisco
RV042G Cisco
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RV130 Cisco
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RV180W Cisco
RV320 Cisco
RV325 Cisco
RVS4000 Cisco
WRVS4400N Cisco
X3000 Cisco
IMW-C910W Clear
WIXFBR-117 Clear
WIXFBR-131 Clear
CG814WG Comcast
WCG200-CC Comcast
CH7465LG-LC Compal
CH7465LG-VM Compal
CH7465LG-ZG Compal
CT-535 Comtrend
CT-536 Comtrend
CT-5361 Comtrend
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CT-5386 Comtrend