According to our database, 3237 routers use the IP address as their default gateway address. This means that if you need to access your router's configuration settings, you can do so by entering this IP address in a web browser on a device that is connected to the same network as the router. From there, you can configure various settings such as network security and wireless network settings.

FortiGate 60D Fortinet
FortiGate-60C Fortinet
FortiWiFi 60C Fortinet
FR-300RTR Frys
Nest Wifi Google
Wifi Google
DX-250 GreenPacket
MF230 GreenPacket
MF250 GreenPacket
MF350 GreenPacket
MF-961 Harvilon
CGN3552 Hitron
CGN3ACR Hitron
CGNM-2250 Hitron
CGNM-2250-SHW Hitron
CGNM-3552-ROG Hitron
CGN Hitron-Technologies
CGN-AP Hitron-Technologies
CGN2-RES Hitron-Technologies
CGN2-ROG Hitron-Technologies
CGN3 Hitron-Technologies
CGN3 ROG Hitron-Technologies
CGN3ACSMR Hitron-Technologies
CGN3U Hitron-Technologies
CGNM-2250-SHW Hitron-Technologies
CGNM-2252 Hitron-Technologies
CGNM-3552 Hitron-Technologies
CGNM-3552-ROG Hitron-Technologies
CGNM-RES Hitron-Technologies
CGNV2 Hitron-Technologies
CGNV4-BIZ Hitron-Technologies
CGNVM-2559 Mediacom Hitron-Technologies
CGNVM-3582 Hitron-Technologies
Chita Hitron-Technologies
CODA-4582 Hitron-Technologies
CODA-4582-ONE Hitron-Technologies
CODA-4582-ONE (2A) Hitron-Technologies
CODA-4582-RES (2A) Hitron-Technologies
CODA-4582-ROG (1A) Hitron-Technologies
CODA-4582-U (2A) Hitron-Technologies
CODA-4582U Hitron-Technologies
CODA-4582U (1A) Hitron-Technologies
CODA-4582U (2A) Hitron-Technologies
CODA-4589-CGO (1A) Hitron-Technologies
CODA-4589-RES Hitron-Technologies
CVE-30360 Hitron-Technologies
CVE30360 ZON Hitron-Technologies
CVW-30360 Hitron-Technologies
B315s-22 Zain Huawei
B315s-22 Zain v2 Huawei